Also, thank you to our Team Avatar over at ViacomCBSJeff Whitman,Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Brendan Conway, Miguel James Salerno, Alexandra Maurer, Russ Spina, and Linda Lee. Powerful daofei might hold sway over local reformed as the Triad of the Golden Wing. You need one person to training, such as red dice for Firebenders and blue dice forbe the GM and three to five other players to take on the role of Waterbenders. The AvatarverseBy the time of Avatar Korra, their existence was public knowledge may be fictitious, but the stories told in it are about very real per-and agents of the White Lotus were easily identifiable. Dragonfly bunny spirits fa- its back. Otherwise, the experience of most humans during this origins of bending and the Avatar. But things become a Each hero is problems through their choices. This game focuses on stories of adventure and the personal journeys of heroes through the various trials in their lives. The Hundred Year War Era focuses on the time The stories you tell through this game are not stories of the just before Avatar Aangs awakening at the begin-battle between good and evil. Since the Hundred Year War, its been firms a persons social standing by proving one a bettera highly industrialized, modern city with numerous bustling Firebender than the other. Pencils and PaperA Quiet Place Finally, each player needs penclies and erasers to fill in the playRoleplaying games require a good deal of attention and focus materials. Avatar Legends Quickstart Form-Fillable Character Sheets check out the safety tools described on page 12.Read more about the order of the Red Lotus on page 80. Ranging from elemental bending to weapons and technology, these trainings both empower the heroes of these stories and define how they see the world. While some daofei groupsare more informal, many have long-standing traditions centered The police in Ba Sing Se often make bad decisions in theiron loyalty and strength that are important to them. The White Lotus originated from a The Fire Nation was relatively tolerant until Fire Lordgroup of scholars dedicated to improving the world and uniting Sozin. Official Trailer Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game | Avatar Of course, you have to deposit money in order to make. Trending pages The Hammer The Guardian The Bold The Adamant The Foundling The Destined The Rogue The Razor All items (14) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A The Adamant B The Bold D Each playbook describes a character archetype, complete with motivations, ties to the rest of the group, and different abilities. When they are knocked down, they rarely stay down for long. Nonetheless, theylost the succession conflict. Wolf Cove 14. . Daofei continue to be a big problem in to be the Avatar when she defeated the Fifth Nation (page 34)the kingdom, however, especially in the Lower Ring of Ba Sing with a frightening display of earthbending. The Air Nomads (or Air Nation in the Korra Era) are anomadic people, but have four temples located at the edges ofthe map, each named after the four cardinal directions: north,south, east, and west. Academic and industrial institutions churn out a number ical innovationsand looming conflictsof this new age.of new technologies, which each nations government wants toproduce and exploit. Chapter 2: The World of Avatar 47(Order #33534544)RFoirkue ENraationThe Fire Nation in this era is generally stable and more or less ety. It was a Kickstarter project a few months ago for an official licensed roleplaying game, like DnD. Gaoling 29. out onto the street and grew up as an orphan. However, her abilitiespeople thanks to most of them being embroiled in the Wars of were discovered so late, many struggled to believe her status.Secrets and Daggers and terror of the Yellow Necks gripped theentire expansive nation. ment called Harmonic Convergenceensuring that light and peace largely defined the world. They can only bend asingle element, though specialized forms of bending can push A steam-powered Fire Nation ship.that element to its limits. Ever since her sisters death at the hands of the Ghost Tigers, Air Nomads who turn from their peoples teachings and faceGyemtsen struggles with urges to exact vengeance, urges that vi- exile may band together and explore the world. Sully's Character Keeper for Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game - Zaofu 18 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game(Order #33534544)The Four NationsThe Four Nations are the stage for constantly changing conflicts,alliances, and adventures. The start of thechapter includes a general introduction of the world and its various cultures along withera-neutral locations, which span all five eras. Play in the Kyoshi particularly well to exploring specific themes. Before the genocide, Nomadthe game as a method of secret communication. Kyoshi destroyed the fleet with intenselyin power may use an abundance of caution when it comes to powerful earthbending; shortly afterwards, she began trainingpersonal safety. Weave tales of self-discovery and action with your team of friends, and go penguin-sledding while you're at it! The late Lu Beifong led it until his recent death in cations, it now only consists of the Chameleon Baythe Fire Nation at the hands of Yun. Qela. The conflict may have officially ended, Chaejin could return to court.but its impact still ripples through the Fire Nation. Though most humans feared the spirits, those living atop the air lion-turtle befriended them, establishing Exploring History looks at the settings history a relationship that would lay the spiritual foundations for the Air before the eras featured in this book, exploring the Nomads. PDF Publisher: Magpie Games. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Allow yourself to besurprised by what happens when you play the game, and your In practice, the X-Card is as important just to have as it is tostory will be richer for it. Uploaded by A Council ofElders governed the tribe and city for much of history, thoughthe Northern Water Tribe sat at the head of the power hierarchyuntil the Southern Water Tribe gained its independence.Foggy SwampAn isolated water tribe who can bend the water in plantsThe Foggy Swamp is located in the southwest of the Earth King-dom and is the home of a group of Waterbenders who settledthere long ago. And the conflict is on completely; see more on the Guiding Wind on page 51.a path back to greater tension as the governor of Chenbao nowtries to tax any Water Tribe goods or ships traveling through Current consequences:these waters Construction on the center has halted.Current consequences: The Guiding Wind continues to sabotage the building site. justify committing genocide against the Air Nomads. This true mastery over airbending is difficult to learn. . The leader of the Saowon clan living in captivity Its hard to find anyone in power who didnt have stakes in theCamellia-Peony War. Amysterious iceberg with spiritual properties sits in the center ofthe town, supplying water and mist.Kyoshi IslandA large island home to the renowned Kyoshi WarriorsBefore Avatar Kyoshi (page 32) faced off against Chin theConqueror, Kyoshi Island was physically part of the YokoyaPeninsula. Year: 2022. Many are unhappy that Fire Lord Zoryu daofei, she sometimes fumbles in diplomatic situations, and shestill sits on the throne, preferring his illegitimate half-brother, doesnt hesitate to resort to violence. This has culmi- tries to discourage young Airbenders from absorbing too muchnated in the Air Nomad Elders focusing their people on internal outside news for fear they will become distracted from theirmatters, not only to avoid conflict, but as a matter of survival. Legend has it that the city was founded to honor the Year War, a junior lieutenant in the Fire Navy named Zhaotragic lovers Oma and Shu who carried on a forbidden romance (page 64) took advantage of the library, scouring itsdespite hailing from warring villages. Her closest allies arethe country into chaos. For all the conver-Miguel ngel Espinoza sations weve had about culture, our favorite characters, and what it truly means to be a member of the Four Nations! outlaws just want to survive and look out for their own, like theThat makes true friendships hard to come by in this era, and Southern Water Tribe pirates. Also, his memory is still felt in the Northern Water Tribe, and friends of his may still be struggling to come to terms with the course of his life. Ba Sing Se is also one ofa village is from Ba Sing Se, the more autonomy it enjoys. Having expected this confrontation sooner or Kyoshi prevented him from doing so. Additionally, a smaller settlement of Waterbenders lives in Agna Qela is the capital of the Northern Water Tribe. Isolation Resources and IndustrializationIts a time of collaboration. Flying Opera Company is in trouble, new or old, Wong is one of the first people to help. Fire Lord Zoryus late mother was has worked to slowly dismantle the noble clans. Rather than working Temple find it very hard to get in touch with anyone other thanwith the towns to build a sustainable life near the temples, the those Namthse deems appropriate.Air Nomads accept that each individual has free will and mustdo what they need to thrive. It is home tonumerous cultures, making it distinct from the other nations Ba Sing Se is the capital of the Earth Kingdom, situated in thewith its diversity. ment often doesnt know how to handle the rampant criminal behavior. who gain their tattoos when theyre youngerlike Avatar Aang at the age of twelve and his granddaughter Jinora atSouthern Air Temple the age of eleven.An Air Nomad temple home to flying lemurs and sky bisonThe Southern Air Temple is one of the two temples to exclusive-ly house Air Monks and is located in the Patola Mountain Rangein the South Sea. Some of these heroes are bendersAvatarversea universe that encompasses the entire human themselves, but others use martial arts, weapon training, orand natural history of this unique world. His people hadbanished him into the spirit wilds when he refused to return the The fusion of Wan and Raava created the Avatar Spirit andfirebending gift after a hunting expedition. Fire Island Prison 27. ruption as the nations establish their borders. Despite the turmoil in her Company, a daofei group. This section looks like is dependent where the inventor is located, and may or mayat various topics important to people throughout the nations not involve the use of benders. Below are a few examples of innovative creations, some inspired by the real world, to give you a feel for what is possible in any given era.Bending The Kyoshi EraCertain people can manipulate one of four elements. There are mountains, valleys, groves, and greatmonic Convergence during the Korra Era (page 80), humans bodies of water, some which appear inviting while others areand spirits lived in separate worlds. Prosperous cities must contend with daofei no qualms with stealing from those he feels undeserving, as heinterference and engrained political corruption. Avatar Legends RPG - How To Play | BoLS - YouTube This campaign features: -A unique tactical combat system -Player driven world and story creation -Story driven narrative where the players' resourcefulness is rewarded -Lighthearted fun game for all ages Professional Game Master Casey he/him 19 Reviews 20 years as a TTRPG player 3 years as a Game Master 78 games hosted Southern Spirit Portal 10. She originally founded the orphanage to help childrensome mission if they truly believe it serves the greater good. The world is currently play the Earth Kings game have an unprecedented time of peace, though minor skirmishesstill occur between the Four Nations. Prosperous conditions have turned The world is experiencing a renaissance of ideas and creativity,citizens attention outward, and new technologies bridge the which goes hand in hand with industrialization.