MICC printable trifold Core customers include the 1st Infantry Division, Civilian Human Resources Agency Southwest Region, Fort Riley Network Enterprise Center, 10th Air Support Operations Squadron, Irwin Army Community Hospital, and Fort Riley Warrior Transition Battalion. Address. Fort Sam Houston Website http . Helpful Links, The Office of the Chief Information Officer has the responsibility for oversight of the Army Contracting Command's Freedom of Information Act Program. Fort Sam Houston Medical Appointment Phone Line: (210) 916-9900 Brooke Army Medical Center Address: 3551 Roger Brooke Dr, San Antonio, TX 78219 Hours of Operations: Open 24 hours Phone: (210). Email: usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.mbx.foia@army.mil DSN phone number for Joint Base San Antonio (Lackland, Randolph, Sam Houston) School Liaison . Contracts Division: (502) 624-8072 In addition, we support all non-medical procurements for Walter Reed Army Medical Center. They are committed to supporting the warfighter and improving the quality of life at Dugway Proving Ground. The office also provides utility and energy program management support, advisory and assistance services to MICC contracting support brigades, field directorate offices and directors of installation contracting offices. (210) 221-2705. Phone: (210) 466-2268 or (210) 466-2278 April 25 - 26 & April 27 - 28, 2023 Copy rate per page: .15 cents April 20, 2023 - University of Washington Tacoma All Industries Career & Internship Fair - Spring 2023, Contract specialist (apply by April 17, 2023) (760) 380-3893,usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-riley@army.mil Task Force 51 is a scalable, deployable command post that provides mission command options for routine and contingency operations in the U.S. Northern Command area of responsibility. Fort Novosel, formerly Fort Rucker, is the largest helicopter training installation in the world. More than 3,900 active-duty Soldiers and their 14,000 family members make Fort Jackson their home. Commercial requester: Are generally charged for search, duplication and review. Contracting support extends to Fort Polk, Louisiana, and all U.S. Army divisions rotating through the Joint Readiness Training Center. The brigade of active and reserve component Soldiers and Department of the Army civilians has elements on Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis, Texas, and Belton and Leavenworth, Kansas. (703) 806-4603,usarmy.jbsa.acc-micc.list.hq-sbs-belvoir@army.mil MICC-Carlisle Barracks, DOD Activity Address Code: W91QF0 . Current information on active contracts, upcoming and ongoing solicitations and quotations is available upon request. Day 1 - March 6 - Briefers included the MICC commanding general, the executive deputy to the commanding general, leaders representing supported mission partners, and the director of the Army Office of Small Business Programs providing an overview of their respective missions and acquisition priorities. Specialized Division: (502) 624-8069 Fort Sam Houston Military & Family Readiness Center. Procurements include supplies, services, minor construction and utilities. Day 2 - March 7- Officials with the 419th Contracting Support Brigade at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, briefed forecasted requirements (slides) for Fort Bragg, Fort Drum, New York, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, Fort Stewart, Georgia, and Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico. Director: Kymberly Aviles. To download the forecast: The challenging and rewarding work with a focus on professional development at the MICC includes generous benefits such as earning sick and vacation leave immediately, highly competitive health and life insurance coverage, building your financial future through the Thrift Savings Plan, upward mobility opportunities and earning a civil service pension. Subordinate to the Mission and Installation Contracting Command, it provides strategically aligned support to commands and installations. MICC-Fort Sill, DOD Activity Address Code: W9124L There is no cost to use SAM. The records must be sought in furtherance of scientific research.
JB San Antonio, TX | Base Directory | School Liaison Office and The mission of the MICC Office of Small Business Programs is to foster acquisition opportunities to all small business categories where small businesses can best support Soldiers and their families, thus ensuring Army readiness and developing a viable, robust Industrial base. When activated, they work with Defense Coordinating Elements to coordinate with state and National Guard authorities, keep the Defense Coordinating Officer and Element information about state response efforts, advise civil authorities on Army capabilities and facilitate coordination between civilian consequence managers and DoD for contingency operations in the U.S. Northern Command area of responsibility. The reserve component Soldiers and Department of the Army civilians is based out of New Orleans, Louisiana. For questions related to contract opportunities outside of the United States, contact the Army Contracting Command. Microfiche produced, each: $3.50 The MICC-Fort Buchanan provides contracting support to the Fort Buchanan community, Fort Buchanan tenant organizations and U.S. Army Reserve. The 323d . Core mission partners supported also include the Army Environmental Command Environmental Contracting Division and several Department of the Army headquarters activities including the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management and Base Realignment and Closure Division, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations and Environment, U.S. Army Office of the Surgeon General, U.S. Army Chief of Chaplains, U.S. Army Information Technology Agency, U.S. Army Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Housing and Partnerships. MICC-Fort McCoy/MICC-Fort Buchanan, DOD Activity Address Codes: W911SA/W912C3 Oct. 24 - 25 & Oct. 26 - 27, 2023 Day 4 - March 9 - Officials with the MICC Field Directorate Office at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas, briefed forecasted requirements (slides) for JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and Fort Knox, Kentucky.
PCSing.com - Base Page All editorial content is prepared, edited, provided and approved by the MICC Office of Public and Congressional Affairs. Supplies and equipment: Generators, heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, kitchen equipment, electronic gear, petroleum products, repair parts, lumber, cement, computers and peripheral equipment, and publications. The Mission and Installation Contracting Command is responsible for contracting throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
Site Map - Randolph Air Force Base Fax number (if applicable) May 23 - 24 & May 25 - 26, 2023 The types of supplies, construction and services it procures include: Contract specialist (apply by April 24, 2023) Exemption 9 - Protects "geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells." It covers about 27,000 acres of rugged Texas hill country. The installation support extends to more than 52,000 acres with more than 100 ranges and field training sites and 1,160 buildings. 10, 2009, is the DOD directive on DOD small business programs. The information requested is not a record within the meaning of the FOIA and AR 25-55. TheSmall Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996provides information on matters such as excessive regulatory compliance, improper procurement procedures and other impediments to small businesses and how to pursue relief. The 902nd CBN works hand-in-hand with the MICC-JBLM office to support local and migrated acquisitions when not deployed in support of joint warfighting requirements. All requesters must include a "willingness to pay statement" in their request, regardless of the fee category, however, this does not mean a fee will be charged. Mailing and email addresses Supplies - ADP equipment and supplies, light fixtures and lamps, cleaning supplies and equipment, recreational equipment, repair parts for all types of equipment, photographic supplies, office equipment, office supplies, communication equipment, engineering supplies, heavy-duty engineering equipment, and commercial furnishings. Feb. 14, 2023 - February MICC Communicator CD/DVD: $5.00 Accompanying slides are available on https://SAM.gov. The brigade is made up of more than 400 military and civilian personnel, four battalions and seven installation-level contracting offices. Fort Sam MPS Randolph MPS Lackland MPS Medical Mental and Behavioral Health Services JBSA Pharmacies JBSA-Fort Sam Houston Pharmacy JBSA-Lackland Pharmacy JBSA-Randolph Pharmacy Transferring Prescriptions Electronic Fax/Fax Prescription RelayHealth DisclaimerTricareOnline Medication Disposal Holidays/Training Days/Down Days JBSA Pharmacy Map 3642 East Houston Street. Core mission partners supported include the 101st Airborne Division, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) and 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. The U.S. Army Office of Small Business Programs has published its long range acquisition forecast for fiscal years 2022 and 2023. (210) 221-0415. The Army Office of Small Business Programs reaffirmed its commitment to addressing misconceptions to improve communication with industry during the acquisition process in its July 2022 memo. GPC Program Management Center The contracting office provides customer service and stands ready to assist mission partners in meeting their mission. Commander: Lt. Col. Rickey Torres, MICC-Fort Jackson provides base operations support to the Fort Jackson installation and tenants including the U.S. Army Central, 3rd Army located at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, and 81st Reserve Support Command in nine southeastern states and Puerto Rico. MICC Fort Leavenworth provides contracting support to all Training and Doctrine Command activities and the Combined Arms Center as well as provides direct base operations support for the Installation Management Command, Army Forces Command, Army Medical Command, Army Correctional Command, Joint Regional Correctional Command and other tenant activities located at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The corps is prepared to exercise mission command of Army, joint and multi-national forces, as a corps, joint task force or combined joint forces land component command The Installation Management Command provides professional garrison services to the community, which includes Soldiers, civilians, family members and retirees.
Army Retention Office :: FORT MEADE The Air Force is the lead agency for Joint Base San Antonio, comprising three primary locations at JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, JBSA-Lackland and JBSA-Randolph, plus eight other operating locations and 266 mission partners. Telephone number Lackland, Keesler, etc.). Gen. Christine Beeler on Category Management (full length), Brig. MICC-Fort Sam Houston, DOD Activity Address Code: W9124J