/HideMenubar false Spotlight Retail Group Action Plan 10-15 Page 4 /Type /XObject Environmental, social and governance issues are central to inclusive capitalism and are inherent to all six growth drivers. Identities, both physical and digital, are at the heart of our globalized world. The SRG Support Group is responsible for continuing the brothers business vision with dedicated buyers, operations, logistics, marketing, customer service, accounting, administration and information technology Teams working together to support ourretail outlets. Spotlight Pty Ltd 2021 Annual Report & Action Plan Date printed: 16/09/2021 Website www.spotlight.com.au Primary Industry Sector General merchandise and apparel Packaging Supply Chain Position Retailer (point-of-sale) ABN 39 564 861 886 DASHBOARD CORE RECOMMENDED TOTAL LEADERSHIPOUTCOMESOPERATIONS SUMMARYINDICATORS Reducing timber pallet use by 57,000 units PA. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. Last week Spotlight Ltd hosted its annual DIY Roadshow in Melbourne. /Producer (ExpertPdf v9.3.0) Around the world, roughly 1 billion people have no legal identity. Team Members. You can also download our latest reports and read our latest sustainability case studies. . The Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) represents a commitment by governments and industry to the sustainable design, use and recovery of packaging. Spotlight Retail Group (SRG) | LinkedIn For Super Retail Group Limited, these reports include its Trading Updates, ASX Announcements, Macquarie Conference Presentation, and Modern Slavery Statement. endobj endstream Skip to content. Q1.Include Mobius Loop on all new Spotlight products that include recyclable packaging. Annual Reports and Form 56-1 | Central Retail Corporation 5 Mins. According to preliminary figures, the company generated sales of 88.4 billion euros in 2022. Home - Spotlight Group Holdings in Anaconda range. In G+D's Annual Report, we look at tech trends in the fields of payment, connectivity identities and digital infrastructures and how digital security solutions will shape our future. AnacondaoffershighqualitygearandexcellentvaluetoallAustraliansonawiderangeofproductsthataresourcedlocallyandinternationallytomeettheneedsofalloutdoortypes. The full list of 500 companies can be read here.. And thousands of new ones are added every minute. SRGwillreportontheprogressthatisbeingmadeaspartoftheAnnualReports,whichwillbesubmittedtotheAustralianPackagingCovenantCouncilbeforetheendofOctobereachyear. Reusable Material Handling Units Introduce MHU to reduce recycling and landfill volume. Business has a vital role to play in shaping the conditions in which people live and work and, as a result, their health. Mozilla Firefox | We explore how connectivity can be secured in an increasingly digitalized world. A copy of our current action plan and annual report can be . Spotlight Group Holdings is a Private company. Employingmorethan6,000people,withstoresoccupyingmorethan3,000,000m2ofretailspaceSpotlightbeganoperations36yearsagointhemarketsofMelbourne,openingtheirfirststorein1973. Find more similar flip PDFs like Spotlight Retail Group Covenant. >> Spotlight Group Holdings Pty Ltd, including founding information, past announcements, mergers and major projects. /HideToolbar false In June 1836, six lawyers founded Legal & General - read our story from the very start. Spotlight Group Holdings Pty Ltd, trading as Spotlight Retail Group, operates and manages a chain of retail stores that sell fabric, craft, and homewares as well as outdoors and camping gear and accessories. Introduction ofsignatories KPI 7 Proportion Spotlight has Q4. Learn about their Apparel & Accessories Retail, Retail market share, competitors, and SPOTLIGHT's email format. Theresultisthedeliveryoftheexactproductscustomersrequire,attherightpriceandwithintherighttimeframe. Annual Report | G+D Spotlight - gi-de.com To avoid the most extreme impacts of a changing climate, we must collectively limit global temperature rises to 1.5C. Investment in long-term solutions is needed to tackle the underlying causes of the cost of living crisis. Read the highlights from our 2022 Annual Report and Results . Recycling KPI 2 currently recycling Q4.Maintain or Q4.Maintain or Q4.Maintain or Q4.Maintain or the efficient National 73% of the improve 2011 improve 2012 improve 2013 improve 2014collection and recycling rate packaging waste diversion rate at diversion rate. We invest some of our annuity premiums, along with our capital, in the real economy. >> Spotlight Retail Group Action Plan 10-15 Page 3 ThePartnershipsandCommunityprogramandCharitypartnershipprogramaimstosupportandassistcommunityinitiativesintheseareas. Our unique offering of an extensive product range and knowledgeable Team Membersin a one-stop shopping destination has cultivated a strong and loyal customer base for both the Spotlight and Anaconda brands. We are also looking to expand Stitch in Time in Australia which we have previously done with the Sundanese Communities via Stand up in Dandenong and Sunshine. /Resources << 2. 2. Thinking long-term to tackle the cost of living crisis. New Zealand, COPYRIGHT @ document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); SPOTLIGHT PTY LTD|ALL RIGHTS RESERVED|PRIVACY POLICY|TERMS OF USE. >> diversion rate diversion raterecycling of for packaging currently capturing stores.packaging recycling data for Q1.Include Mobius Q4.Maintain or waste generated at Q4.Maintain or Loop on all new improve systems stores. /ExpertPdf_jlpdaobdkpbikchgonpndagdjbdcajeo 27 0 R View some of our 2022 highlights in the interactive video below, which explores a year of inclusive capitalism in action. Acomprehensiveproductrangeisavailableforcustomerswhowishtoshopfromhomeviaphone,faxoronlineutilisingaCustomerCareCentre. Please browse our site using any of the following options: Our community is at the heart of what we do, big and small. Spotlight Group Holdings Pty Ltd - Company Profile Report | IBISWorld ThisprocedurewillbeintegratedintotheexistingbusinessprocessessothattheSpotlightandAnacondateamsareequippedtomakemoreinformedchoicesofpackagingonthebasisoftheirrecyclability,reusabilityandtheoptimumuseofresources. Women employed in the centre were able to handmake goods for local businesses such as schools and hotels and thereby make a living for themselves. What does it mean to offer protected personal identities and secure authentication for billions of people? stream PDF ASX RELEASE For personal use only We define our corporate social responsibility goals, pledge to take on more sustainable projects, and work towards creating a world with net-zero emissions. Get a full view of IPO. The company employs over 4,650 full-time equivalent employees, operates across New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia andAustralia and is administered from its head office in South Yarra, Victoria. It is the voluntary component of a co-regulatory model designed to reduce the environmental impacts of consumer packaging by encouraging improvements in packaging design, higher recycling rates and better stewardship of packaging. IBISWorld provides profiles on thousands of leading enterprises across Australia and New Zealand, as well as reports on thousands of industries around the world. Table1presentstheseestimates,whichareassociatedwithmeettherequirementofKeyPerformanceIndicators2&3ofthenewCovenant. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageC] Recommendation 4.3 of the ASX Corporate Governance Councils Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (4th Edition) recommends that listed entities disclose the process to verify the integrity of any periodic corporate report they release to the market that is not audited or reviewed by an external auditor. Additionally,thenewpackagingachievesa40%reductioninpackagingweightcomparedtotheoriginaldesign. ThisActionPlanhasbeenexpandedtonowincludetheAnacondaretailbrand. Weve been at the forefront of creating innovative security technologies for over 170 years, shaping trust in an increasingly digital world. ProductStewardshipademonstratedcommitmenttoproductstewardshipbythe supplychainandothersignatoriesThereare9keyperformanceindicators(KPIs)underthenewCovenant. 2.2.1 SocialresponsibilityAtAnaconda,qualityisaboutmorethanmakingsuretheirproductsmeetorexceedcustomersexpectations. Spotlight Retail Group (SRG) | 14,028 followers on LinkedIn. Annual Report. PDF 2022 MACQUARIE AUSTRALIA CONFERENCE PRESENTATION - Supercheap Auto ThisActionPlannowalsoincludesthecompanysAnacondaretailbusiness. As a trusted partner to customers with the highest demands, we secure the essential values of the world. Shop All Utility & General Purpose Fabrics, Free patterns and more about the cause can be found here, Special & Online Only Order Terms & Conditions. Click here to download a transcript of the full video (PDF), Click here to view the full video (all 12 months), Operational footprint (scope 1 and scope 2 (location)), 30,062 April 11, 2023 Annual Report 2022 - Swedish: February 20, 2023 Year-end Report 2022 - Swedish: November 7, 2022 Interim Report January - September 2022 - Swedish: Spotlightsknowledgeandexperienceisconstantlyexpanding,alongwithitsoperations. /ExpertPdf_mgninbopdjaokmjnppfnajmnjjhabhlc 25 0 R implementation implementation implementationresource the SPG for developed. Learn more About Spotlight Retail Group Online - Spotlight Careers /MediaBox [0.00000 0.00000 595.00000 842.00000] >> Spotlight Group Holdings Pty Ltd, trading as Spotlight Retail Group, is a locally owned private company which operates and manages a chain of fabric, craft, homewares and camping gear and apparel. /OYTMPO+ArialMT 17 0 R Spotlight Retail Group Action Plan 10-15 Page 5 With options multiplying in an evolving ecosystem, we look at the future of payment solutions, Smartphones, smart homes, machines and cars billions of devices are already interconnected on the internet of things (IoT). 2. Our clients rely on our information and data to stay up-to-date on business and industry trends. Spotlight Retail Group (SRG) | LinkedIn Our latest press releases, research reports and multimedia. /ViewerPreferences 2 0 R Spotlight Group Holdings generates $152.9K in revenue per employee Spotlight Group Holdings's top competitor is Super Retail Group, led by Anthony Heraghty, who is their Managing Director & CEO. 2 CORPORATEPROFILETheSRGisaprivatecompany,whichcurrentlyemploysover6,000people. Product KPI 6 Proportion Spotlight has Q4.Consult key Q3.Once finalised,stewardship of signatories established national suppliers during provide copy ofa that have formal contracts with development of the PEP to all suppliersdemonstrated processes for Veolia and Visy PEP. endobj >> << Thismeansintegratingsocialandenvironmentalconcernsintoallourbusinessoperationstoreducenegativeimpactsandmaximisepositiveones. It gives us purpose, underpinning what business we do, and how we do it. Spotlight Retail Group (SRG) Management Team | Org Chart We outline the key personnel at Super Retail Group Appendix 4E & 2019 Full Year Report & Accounts - Aug 14th: 4.3mb 2018 Super Retail Group Annual Report to shareholders - Sep 21st 2018: 4.7mb 2018 Super Retail Group Appendix 4E and 2018 Annual Financial Statements - Aug 20th: 2.4mb 2017 Super Retail Group Appendix 4E & Full Year Report & Accounts - Aug 24th 2017: 6.5mb 2016 We outline the ultimate parent and largest shareholders of /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageC] Spotlight has moved to the use of recycled PVC reusable pallets. Annual Report 2022 (Form 56-1 One Report) View Online Download Enclosure. products program and reportby the supply This program Roll out will be on improvementschain and reduces Q3. outcomes available reusable certified. Spotlight Retail Group (SRG) employs 2,034 employees. /ExpertPdf_iafoeafpkoebkceeblioedfgkadadjaj 14 0 R ActionPlanSummaryTableSpotlight Retail Group Action Plan 10-15 Page 7 Implement Q1.Reviewstewardship reduction program - trial of program program across program and reporta Spotlight is loose furnishings and on improvementsdemonstrated loading rolls of Q4. In the article, we look at how IoT and 5G mobile technology will transform our work and our world and what cybersecurity risks we should be aware of. In a world of cyber risks, how can organizations ensure security requirements are met? diversion rate.recycling of for packaging that is generated at Spotlight stores.packaging the stores. TheplanalsoproposesthedevelopmentofabuyrecycledpolicyandtheinvestigationofimprovedpackagingdesignstoaddressthepotentiallitterimpactcausedbyAnacondasoutdoorproductsrange. Ensuring on further on further other product shopping bags and supplier is also improvements that improvements that stewardship now makes Carbon Zero can be made. << 4 KEYCONTACTPERSONThefollowingpersonhasbeennominatedasthekeycontactfortheAustralianPackagingCovenantCouncilandanyoneelsewhomayhaveaquestionabouttheSRGActionPlan. Removed 17million plastic bags from marketplace. << Spotlight Group is a privately held $4bn+ Australian parent company which controls, operates and invests in a diverse set of businesses and assets, patiently built over more than 45 years. /Kids [4 0 R 5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R] x^}rI#nNLsatr(h4&h, JK9FW~(jG#QUUm?8Nf_,YM M~O?[qzZ?cS`>"~n/rSR;qC"6JV%Qa^ ~FBO$g+xyXuHy6.Q ~[|BEGt+oIYPWonu ZRdm#ktUbT8O .p0_5Ylv#j>QH*nkjKb^b. >> https://spotlightgroup.com/the-most-hyped-new-slots-in-2022 Group interests include: Share price 234.10p at 13:39 on 1 May 2023. Anacondabelievesingivingbacktothecommunitiesinwhichwelive. /ExpertPdf_pnajoilkaelpkbklocidlepjebhfaoca 30 0 R Company Description: Key Principal: ISAAC JACOB FRIED See more contacts Industry: Apparel, Piece Goods, and Notions Merchant Wholesalers , Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers , Furniture and Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers , Other Miscellaneous Retailers , Sporting Goods, Hobby, and Musical Instrument Retailers Explore the map to read more about our investments across the UK. /BBox [0.00000 0.00000 1162.00000 8215.00000] Apinnacleisalsobuiltintoallstoresforcustomerstoclimb,andkayakpoolsareavailableinselectlocationsallowingthefullexperientialexperienceforcustomers. SpotlightisaprivatelyownedandoperatedAustraliancompanyandproudlyremainsanincrediblycreativeorganisation,seenbycustomerstobethebestinprovidingthebroadestrangeofqualityproductsatgreatprices. 6. In this spirit we have created Spotlight Crafts for a Cause, a Facebook community for like-minded crafters to come together and share the work they are doing and the causes they are supporting. Microsoft Edge, Works start on site to deliver 300 million Sheffield West Bar development as partners Legal & General, Urbo and Sheffield City Council drive forward the Citys regeneration, Legal & General Investment Management America, Charity stakeholders and collaborative partners, Workforce diversity and gender pay gap data, ESG global research and engagement groups (GREGs), How LGIM integrate ESG into the investment process, Responsible and sustainable investment report 2022, Legal & General Investment Management Asia, Legal & General Investment Management Japan, Read the full Chief Executive Officer's Q&A.