Only 25 chapters updated today @admin. Also, in the early chapters its written that Avella wanted Marven to make the move to consummate the marriage, but Marven hasnt taken that route yet. At the same time, the hero and son-in-law always lives in his wifes parents house and earn his life by serving the family and their company. He needs someone who knows him, his back ground and ability to stand with him and he can openly speak with. thank you. Sara pudo hacer lo q fuera de su vida y la dedico a buscar a Marven. Well done. Most satisfying ending would be MC to set up his own kingdom like in an island if harem plot developes or live separately with his wife and children and not caring about what happens to father in law or mother in law or the Ye Family. Sera que hay alguna manera de conseguir el pdf completo de la novela o fsica? Thank you. Can we have two more chapters today? Upto chapter 1400 and have now begun to wonder whether there's any possibility of a satisfactory ending in sight. This writer is making Avella a fool by Marvens actions. A real peculiar novel with storyline that is worthy of tv series or even a movie. YA TERMINE EL ULTIMO 2835.. Pero si va por el 3388, en otra pagina va en 3389, Me gusta mucho la novela pero el problema es que muy pocos captulos suben por das seria bueno , que subieran por lo menos 15 captulos por da eso sera fantstico, I have 2 days without a new chapter what happen, Quiero saber la siguiente parte al menos o proporcionar el enlace como dijiste, Buenas tardes me puedes mandar los siguientes captulos por favor del asombroso yerno millonario captulos siguientes 2832 en adelante gracias, Captulos cortos que horror, ya no hay mas imaginacin, Se terminaron los captulos pero Charley o Marven como se llame nunca decide con quien quedarse tiene muchas mujeres pero ni siquiera con la misma emocin se atreve a hacer nada ni con su ficticia esposa y veo que en este libro morir siendo virgen y arrogante, ser una persona rencorosa, aparte es un hombre se se cri con Gelotofobia que es lo mismo que el miedo patolgico a que se burlen de ti, entonces de ah es donde viene el drama y nunca estar con nadie para que no se burlen de l aunque se diga que es un machista resentido con tendencia psicolgica de ser gay, aparte es alguien con pensamiento dicotmico ests conmigo o ests contra m, las cosas o son blancas o son negras, o me ayudas o me traicionas, este tipo de enfoque conforma una clara distorsin cognitiva, es un esquema muy rgido de pensamiento del cual, las personas rencorosas ni tan siquiera son conscientes porque estn habituadas a bordear siempre los extremos, a situarse en posiciones muy polarizadas donde lo nico que consiguen es establecer enormes y amargas distancias con quienes les como su orgullo pisoteado por mucho tiempo pero este orgullo de ese caballo aparentemente es de batalla, que todo lo invade, lo arrasa y lo transforma, esta caractersticas hace que este tipo de personas estn siempre a la defensiva, y que a la mnima se sientan heridos y altamente dolidos, no es fcil hacer vida, dialogar o llegar a acuerdos con quien se deja llevar siempre por el orgullo, por esa actitud que todo lo toma de forma personal, por lo que es evidente a realizar este proyecto no dejarlo a media y de volverse montono, surgieron que sigan con los captulos as de no ofender a los miles de lectores que a su medida son tiempo dedicados por su publicacin y el tiempo se respeta y es muy valioso, porque si tenan planificado hacer ste libro ya debera haber actualizado mas captulos con previa anticipacin. What the heck! im not team avella or sara if they make me choose ill go with ito nanako, avella has no love for marven for more than 2 years and sara she was just being brainwash since she was child, dont keep a marriage with no love fvck!!! leerlos a la maana antes de salir al trabajo una adiccion. Im a very rich second generation. Still waiting for chapter 2187 onwards.. The Amazing Son in Law: A Novel By Charlie Wade September 11, 2020 by Sasha Gohar The things that make us human can eventually turn us into a narcissistic-bunch. Ya estoy en 2740 pero no encuentro 2741 , Solo llegu hasta el capitulo 2736 y no he podido comprar el libro completa. looking forward for next chapter.. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. In an outsiders view, Claires loyalty on her marriage looks unreasonable. Please and thank you for a really great story. 4 years of marriage and no s3x? Rate this book. She the best woman in the novel according to me. but i guess this is not my story or business so I have to wait like everyone for the 2 chapter posts and get what i get. wtf ill fast read it again if no one will tell me how many left from hong kong masters,fast read it again from the start again once marven and walter face each other. Si alguien sabe dnde lo venden por favor compartan el enlace, vaynse ala mierda mas de 4 capitulos en comprar ropa a melba a quien le importa eso ya me aburrio como a todos y se quedan con menos gente por pendejos. Watch. Ests novela era muy interesante pero se desvo por completo del argumento original, espero mejore pronto o me quedar con ganas de saber que paso.. Hola, quisiera que tomaran atencin al error en cuanta a los captulos subidos el da de hoy, correspondiente a los captulos 2745 al 2747, como son: Captulo 2745 se repite el contenido del captulo 2744. Just letting you know the facts. Why theres so many missing chapters?! Adems, ya lleva ms de un ao fuera de la dependencia de la familia de Claire y an no le permite acercarse a ella. Click on chap yet and scroll down all chapter s are there.up to chapter2100 I am on2115. Waiting for the concert and some resolution for him and Avella. I know you will not approve this message to be displayed publicly.. totally agreed n more the merrier since one chapter can be read in a few mins , , . Awesome Son-in-law - Novelcone If i were them or just the author, when all is said and about to finish- book printing and advertising for a book release, id stop sending chapters. In the meantime can someone suggest an alternative novel to read while waiting for new chapters? So wheres the rest of the completed novel that is supposed to be here to read???? This novel is very interestingcant wait for chapter 2451 onwardsThank you. A el las ganas se le notan pero ella por ese pobre hombre no siente naaaadaaa. Im really impressed, how you all made your opinions, in my own opinion, who ever the writer he decides to pair with Marvin between Sara and avella is fine, provided the losing end is properly compensated because both of them really made huge sacrifices. This novel is all about greed, selfishness, haughtiness, and the other base human characters of manipulation and curry favoring. Aint they loading any more chapters aside chapter 3398. All the woman are goin around Marven but he is not after them, Jajajajajaja no te enojes solo es un libro, hola sabes cada cuanto suben capitulos, el libro me atrapo desde hace un mes y ya quede en el capitulo 2612 no se si han sacado mas capitulos, jaja pero tampoco me gusta quedarme con intriga. Its just a story and the writer has its own style and he has already finished his story framework up to the ending. If you cant be patient, wait for it in print, I hope it comes out in print. Final Thoughts about The Amazing Son in Law the Charismatic Charlie Wade. Could you please update faster 2525 further pages.very very slow. Hope the glitches can be fixed, the chapter list only goes to 2192 but it is actually 2200, and its glitched and wont go to 2201 because the chapter list page is bugged. Marven needs a partner who can hold take care of his empire when he ia not around and Avella is not it. It has gone way past the initial executive summary related out in the beginning.. Dare I say this story is now very boring and I just gloss the highlights as it is very predictable in each chapter.. La historia se me hizo muy buena pero ya perd el inters ya que apenas suben capitulos mejor digan donde se puede adquirir el libro. where can I obtain the complete novel? Y muy buenos. The Millionaire Son in Law Novel Book PDF | XH Sana mapanuod ko to as a movie, or telenovela, 8.2K 32 20. But he needs to get divorced from that crippled, money loving Viola Ma, or shell cause trouble, like a woman scorned. She was unwilling to marry Charlie from the beginning. Because, their attention, care and love are unconditional. I had to suffer humiliations from my friends for marrying a loser. He should marry all of the women involved in his life. Equipo warnia pero, Sara le mueve el piso. No les import sacrificar a su hija que era una eminencia y superara a los fundadores del imperio. I have completed chapter 1460 and waiting for next series of chaptersit has really kept me glued and its very interesting You dont even believe in your wife and never told me truth. You must be relieved now that your doubts are cleared? He went to the hospital to get the bills he has to pay but his aunt is already shifted to another big hospital and someone has paid her all the hospital bills. The environment is simply unsuitable (hehe although hell be a trilliionaire familys grandchild and might return to the family rather than being here, lets bluff this fool some more), But we can just live separately and give some allowances to the parents every month and then well just have our family of 3. I saw one r*[emailprotected] saying wife didnt love him for initial 2 years treated him as a slave and anyone can fall in love with a construction worker based on looks Thanks. Do you think Nanako wouldve given him two sh*ts if he wasnt strong and helped her family? I guess I am disappointed because it started as a romance and has become something else. Cada cuanto actualizan y ponen ms captulos ? He is not the same 8 year old boy she last saw. What will happen to his wife? I need someone to take care of it when Im away. I dont care about your status as long as you dont lie to me. About the Amazing Son in Law in the Charismatic Charlie Wade Book But Avella doesnt know this. In short I want Father-in-law to live a good life with his love independently. You cant even start your own business without my help. Everyone deserves to have a love life. See I have to go back and read comments while Im non patiently waiting to continue on!! Someine should tell Lord Leaf to hurry up with this story. More enjoyable. Fun reading.. read it 3x now but the pace is getting slower and slower it will take 10yrs to finish reading these novel..might as well stop uploading f u leave just leave the readers hanging.. si por favor actualizar los captulos del 2554 hasta el 3000, Buenas noches la novela es muy buena y muy adictiva pero es muy decepcionante esperar ms de 24 horas por dos captulos y bien cortos no s si se pueda comprar de una ves la novela con ustedes si alguien me responde sera muy bueno tambin por qu veo que todos comentan pero no hay ninguna respuesta. If she truly loved him, she would not force him in a corner like her actions at the concert did. Si la mam de ye era millonaria porque se fue a westrel a rodar y alquilar.. porque no se fue a los eu de dnde era originario hay muchos hilos en la novela que no enlanzan . Te apoyo, que continue, pero si dos capitulos diarios es muy poco, mejor subieran 100 o 50 una vez por semana , asi lo leemos y esperamos la proxima. Vean este link. I dont know what kind of oldman fetish you have that you like to read the romance between these half century old couple , And if author follows your nonsense and makes Father-in-law and his love to stay by MC and his wifes side then that will make the story cringe. For example, the hero started out as Charlie Wade but is now Marven; Auros is now Wrestvel and so on. What was the reason for Avellas grandfather to have her marry Marven? La novela como tal es muy buena y adictiva, el problema es que tiene mucho relleno, entiendo al autor de este enlace que la traduccin es muy laboriosa, y valoro mucho su esfuerzo, espero nos pudiera proporcionar ms captulos para no perder el inters, y nuevamente muchas gracias por lo que hace. I thought you were shy when you didnt make any advance despite me sl33ping in your arms. The Amazing Son-In-Law Full Novel PDF Download/Read Online but to find it disgusting due to his nature & character seems a bit odd. Just saw you added six new chapters!!!!!!!! Its just way too disgusting to hear and imagine the female lead ending up with others. After they slept so many times in same room but no intmacy, its wierd, suddenly their rance died. No se porque. Avella did not bother to know Marven at all even at the very begining. Dont get me wrong, the story is good But the long wait to finish this novel completely is almost making me not want to read the story anymore.. Marven Ye and all of the girls move to an island just off of Malaysia. Pero Marven si ama a Avella, ah el tema, Expectante de que suceder! Why is it 2 chapters a day only?? Hoy tuvimos 4. Estoy de acuerdo, la nica que sin importa nada siempre lo a querido es Sara, las dems se enamoraron por sus grandes habilidades y algunas por favores que le hizo a sus padres y abuelos, el debera vivirla a todas y casarse con Sara. What happened? Since I am waiting as well for the next chapter 2411, I decided to re-read from the beginning.